Monday, December 6, 2010

How-to... NOT procrastinate (Top 10)

These are ten suggestions to do what I have never really been effective at doing. They say that most illnesses have remedies. Well, I suppose that these suggestions could help each of us avoid the pitfalls of procrastinating. Many of these ideas came from my own knowledge and a few came from the internet. Here they are (not in any particular order):

1. Prioritize your assignments.
2. Organize your time between work and leisure.
3. Assign time for each assignment and focus your efforts on specific tasks.
4. Control your environment so that you can focus on your task.
5. Face your fears.
6. Start with the hardest task of your day.
7. Don't blow a project out of proportion.
8. Just take the first step.
9. Just make a decision; any decision.
10. Stop thinking. Start doing!

Note: 5 - 10 came from the site The Positivity Blog

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