I find it ironic how often we put ourselves down over spilt milk. We often fret and worry over the trivial things while the more significant and important things elude us. I guess it might just be our human nature to overlook the good and focus on the bad. But I've learned that the happiest lives are those that take the time to recognize the beautiful things all around them. I submit three suggestions to do this:
1.) Love
Loving others unconditionally is one of the hardest things to do. I always find myself being too critical of others or failing to acknowledge the great blessing that it is to have them in my life. People come and go. But if we take the time to love others than I believe that those relationships will stay with us forever. It's simple: Loving others makes us more lovable. Loving others only makes life that much sweeter. This is one of the few things that can truly transcend mediocrity and transform our lives into lives well-lived. I don't think that I will ever regret telling someone that I love them. Rather, I think that I would regret it if I didn't.
2.) Laugh
Laughter can melt the frozen tundra within ourselves and bring true joy and happiness. It's funny that I sometimes find the most reasons to laugh when there isn't anything funny. I've always been a fan of saying that, "I'd rather laugh than cry." I mean, why not? Why shouldn't we laugh out loud every now and then. If we have problems laughing, or can't find anything to laugh about, then why don't we create a reason to laugh? Happiness is what we make of it. So why not laugh a little and fill our lives with true bliss.
3.) Live
I think that a healthy amount of "stopping to smell the roses" can do us quite good. Living to me is more than just going from one appointment to the next. It isn't just "arriving" to our final destination; it's the entire journey that we took to get there. Too many people coast through life without taking chances, or without ever enjoying what they had all along the way. Life is too fleeting. I also believe that to truly "live" we must learn to be grateful for what we have. Gratitude enriches us all.
These are just a few ideas that I submit. I'm by no means an expert, but it is good to think about these things every once in a while.
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